Post modernism is a term that is used to define new texts that are created by using parts of older texts, for example by using intertextual references or bricolage. Post modernism is often un-noticed within media, as often people can enjoy a text without knowing it is post modern, for example Inglorious Basterds. But there are cases where texts cannot be enjoyed by people unless they know it is post modern, like Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.
In terms of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (SP), the film was not successful and lost a lot of money, but it was full of references to video games and films. So shouldn't this have made it popular, unfortunately not as the target audience for the film was young teenagers, but the references included in the film were from a different generation, including references to The Doors and to the early Zelda games. This means people that went to see the film did not understand the references so just thought the film was a bit stupid. In comparison we see Inglorious Basterds, a film that has many references, these include references to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, along with a out of context use of spaghetti western fonts in the title sequence in a world war 2 film. It also intertextually links to another of Tarintinos films, Pulp Fiction, by using a bright yellow font similar to the one used in Pulp Fiction. This links and references are good to know but are not essential to the quality or enjoyment of the film. For example someone who is post modern will enjoy the film as much as someone who doesnt know about its post modernism as they arent essential, whereas the story becomes thin when the refernces are unkown in SP, this is why it was an unnsuccessful film.
Musically, post-modernism can be prominent within the R&B genre. For example the Kanye West song "Golddigga"is copied from "I got a Woman" by Ray Charles, which was copied from "It Must be Jesus" by the gospel band 'The Southern Tones'. This is the perfect example to define post modern media as it supports the idea that post modernism is a copy of a copy of a copy. And that it can often lost its orignal meaning. Since the gospel band sung the song about Jesus and religion, its meaning has changed dramatically through time to being about a woman who takes money from men. This is where post modernism gets critisized a lot, as it takes things and destroys their orignal meaning. This is supported by Kirby Ferguson's 'Everything is a Remix' video series. Bridge Port Music, a company famous for sueing artists that use samples in their music, they famously sued an artist for a less than 2 second ‘sample’ in the song ‘100 miles runnin’ This is an example of where post modern media can be thought to have a bad future, as artists especially in the R&B genre will struggle to use samples that they commonly use for drum beats etc. as patent laws are becoming a lot stricter.
There are many theories that surround post modernism, like Jameson's criticism that post modernism is 'trapped in circular references and vacous', this could be acceptable in some cases like the film Hobo With a Shotgun. Other theories include Braudillards Hyper Reality theory and Julia Kristeva's theory of Intertextual Referencs, but post modernism rejects all of these theories, so surely this makes it a theory itself? this is the paradox of post modernism, as it rejects all the criticism AND support from other theorists, it must be a theory in itself. Which can lead to a lot of confusion and debate as to wether post modernism actually exists. This would be supported by Kirby Ferguson as he theorised that everything is a remix, so if everything is a remix then post modernism cannot exist, because everything it is referencing, homag-ing, parody-ing has already been done before and has no meaning anymore.
In terms of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (SP), the film was not successful and lost a lot of money, but it was full of references to video games and films. So shouldn't this have made it popular, unfortunately not as the target audience for the film was young teenagers, but the references included in the film were from a different generation, including references to The Doors and to the early Zelda games. This means people that went to see the film did not understand the references so just thought the film was a bit stupid. In comparison we see Inglorious Basterds, a film that has many references, these include references to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, along with a out of context use of spaghetti western fonts in the title sequence in a world war 2 film. It also intertextually links to another of Tarintinos films, Pulp Fiction, by using a bright yellow font similar to the one used in Pulp Fiction. This links and references are good to know but are not essential to the quality or enjoyment of the film. For example someone who is post modern will enjoy the film as much as someone who doesnt know about its post modernism as they arent essential, whereas the story becomes thin when the refernces are unkown in SP, this is why it was an unnsuccessful film.
Musically, post-modernism can be prominent within the R&B genre. For example the Kanye West song "Golddigga"is copied from "I got a Woman" by Ray Charles, which was copied from "It Must be Jesus" by the gospel band 'The Southern Tones'. This is the perfect example to define post modern media as it supports the idea that post modernism is a copy of a copy of a copy. And that it can often lost its orignal meaning. Since the gospel band sung the song about Jesus and religion, its meaning has changed dramatically through time to being about a woman who takes money from men. This is where post modernism gets critisized a lot, as it takes things and destroys their orignal meaning. This is supported by Kirby Ferguson's 'Everything is a Remix' video series. Bridge Port Music, a company famous for sueing artists that use samples in their music, they famously sued an artist for a less than 2 second ‘sample’ in the song ‘100 miles runnin’ This is an example of where post modern media can be thought to have a bad future, as artists especially in the R&B genre will struggle to use samples that they commonly use for drum beats etc. as patent laws are becoming a lot stricter.
Augmented reality and hyper reality are aspects of post modernism that revolve around media. Hyper reality means where the image of something is not what it really is, a good way of explaining this is with the images on McDonalds menu's, as they display images that arent truthful of their actual appearance. Another example is the way silenced guns in films like James Bond sound compared to in real life. The difference in media and real life worries people as people think that we will become so used to hyper reality we will be unsure of the difference between that and reality. Augmented reality is similar, take the video game Assasins Creed for example, it allows you to freely roam around places from real time like Rome or Florence in Italy for example, this means people can do anything they want wherever they want in a video game. But surely this means that as technology develops we may lose track of what is real, as we will be able to travel anywhere in the world with super-realistic graphics. This may lead us to not needing to travel or go on holiday, as we can do it all without leaving our chair.
ReplyDeleteYou make great use of theorist and try and link back to the questions. What you do need to work on is the depth of your evidence and explanation. Rather than citing lots of examples, try and pick a few and explore them in greater detail. Explain what the references link to and why (if at all) the director has used them.
You make better use of 'criticism' of PoMo in this response than in your subsequent essay and also attempt to assess its purpose.
Well done.